What's New

This page gives a short overview of the new main features of every release. For bug-fixes etc. take a look at the release notes in README.
To see what has been new in former releases take a look at What Has Been New page.

Version 2024.1  -- n e w --2024.1 

Dark Theme Support!

Make use of Project / Preferences ... / Appearance to change the themes.

Or start QuickRev with --style=dark to use the dark theme.
(Experimental style options from version 2022.2 are removed.)

Dark Style

Restore Review Sessions

When closing a review (or QuickRev) while an review is still ongoing QuickRev remembers the open files and comments. When reopening the same review QuickRev will ask whether it shall restore the session and if so will open the same files and comments to continue the review.

Logic for individual comment references changed, now the checked ones are visible and un-checked are hidden.

GIT performance improvements for worktrees

When staring QuickRev in a GIT worktree only the review directories of the current worktree will be updated in the history-DB. Furthermore only history information from reviews stored in the GIT-worktree will be fetched from the history-DB and shown in the file history.

Change font in code window

Use 'Project / Preferences... / General' to change the font settings for the code window.

Enhanced C++ Syntax Highlighting

Doxygen comments will be colored like JavaDoc comments.
The following are supported
/// ...
//! ...
/*! ... */

Simplified Tool Bar Configuration Dialog

Selecting menu items and changing the appearance can be done easier now without switching between different tabs.

Simplified Tool Bar Config


  • Search history is shared between all code windows now, so that a search string defined in one window can be re-used in the other code windows as well.
  • Upgraded H2 database version to 2.2.224
  • Select Information tab when opening a review as reviewer for the first time.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Upcoming Java Version Upgrade

This is the last version which runs with java 8!
Upcoming versions will be upgraded to java 17.


  • Added Creator Conclusion For <user> button at the Conclusion Tab for optional reviewers in case they don't have review comments and just want to finish the review.
  • Rewrote external tool execution handling in order to get rid of null results when executing commands via the Tools menu.
  • Reset to default font style when changing between 'code' (Monospaced) and back to the original font.
  • Don't react on global keystrokes in code search field.
  • Allow file version selection via 'Review History' dialog in 'ALL' mode.

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